Using 3DNA fiber models #1 for A-DNA (calf thymus) and #4 for B-DNA (calf thymus), the groove widths are as follows:
Minor Groove Major GrooveFrom the above table, it is clearly that for A-DNA, the minor and major groove widths for the refined set are smaller than their corresponding non-refined counterparts (i.e., those based on direct P-P distances). For B-DNA, there are no changes between the two sets. It should be noted that in real structures (i.e., non-perfectly regular, as in X-ray crystal structures in the NDB/PDB), there are nearly always some differences between the refined vs. direct P-P distances. As a general rule, the refined set should be used.
P-P Refined P-P Refined
A-DNA (#1) 18.5 16.7 15.2 11.1
B-DNA (#4) 11.7 11.7 17.2 17.2
One of the key structural differences between A- and B-DNA is their opposite groove dimensions: for B-DNA, the major groove width (~17 Å) is about 5 Å wider than the minor groove width (~12 Å); whereas for A-DNA, the major groove width (~11 Å) is narrower than the minor groove width (~17 Å) by a similar amount. Since the grooves provide binding sites, the difference between A- and B-DNA grooves has important implications in DNA (groove) recognitions by ligands or proteins.
In retrospect, I implemented the El Hassan and Calladine algorithm for calculating the groove widths mainly because of its simplicity: I can understand clearly how it works visually. The algorithm is described in a two-page appendix of the above cited paper. For those who are interest in DNA structures in general and how groove widths are defined in particular, I would strongly recommend them to read the appendix carefully and try to implement it: there is no substitute for first hand experience. For an idealized cases, as the above for fiber A- and B-DNA, the implementation should be straightforward. To be more realistic, an implementation should account for missing phosphate groups in some structures (for testing purpose, simply delete one P atom from a structure), for example.
As is obvious, 3DNA does not calculate groove depths. Over the years, I have actually been approached with requests/suggestions to provide such parameters to complement groove widths. However, for various reasons, none of the algorithms fits with 3DNA. As a general principle, I do not add new functionality to 3DNA simply for the seek of it. I must understand a new piece clearly in order to integrate it with the rest and to be able to respond concretely to possible questions from users.