The helical parameters were calculated using 3DNA (29). Sequence-independent measures were used, based on vectors connecting the C1' atoms of the paired residues, to avoid computational artefacts arising from non-canonical base pairing.Another significant point, which is the focus of this post, is the observation that "All the adenosines are in the anti-conformation and the only interaction within each A-A pair is a single C2-H2...N1 hydrogen bond." (Figure below) Given the 0.95 Å ultrahigh resolution of structure 3nj6/na0608, it is likely that this type of A-A is real.
The find_pair program in the currently distributed versions of 3DNA (v2.0 and before), however, does not identify this A-A pair (thus the corresponding NDB list of "Base Pair Step Parameters" is incomplete) for the following two reasons:
- No H-bond exists between N/O base atoms – currently a requirement for a base-pair.
- By default, only N/O atoms are used in defining H-bonds (see tag hb_atoms in file "misc_3dna.par"). Nevertheless, by adding C as a possible atom in forming H-bond, and manually editing find_pair generated input file to analyze, 3DNA structural parameters can be calculated as usual.
1 95 # 1 | ...1>A:...1_:[..G]G-----C[..C]:..10_:A<...2 2 94 # 2 | ...1>A:...2_:[..G]G-----C[..C]:...9_:A<...2 3 93 # 3 | ...1>A:...3_:[..C]C-----G[..G]:...8_:A<...2 4 92 # 4 | ...1>A:...4_:[..A]A-**--A[..A]:...7_:A<...2 5 91 # 5 | ...1>A:...5_:[..G]G-----C[..C]:...6_:A<...2 6 90 # 6 | ...1>A:...6_:[..C]C-----G[..G]:...5_:A<...2 7 89 # 7 | ...1>A:...7_:[..A]A-**--A[..A]:...4_:A<...2 8 88 # 8 | ...1>A:...8_:[..G]G-----C[..C]:...3_:A<...2 9 87 # 9 | ...1>A:...9_:[..C]C-----G[..G]:...2_:A<...2 10 86 # 10 | ...1>A:..10_:[..C]C-----G[..G]:...1_:A<...2 ##### Criteria: 4.00 0.00 15.00 2.50 65.00 4.50 7.50 [ O N C] ##### 2 non-Watson-Crick base-pairs, and 1 helix (0 isolated bps) ##### Helix #1 (10): 1 - 10